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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

June 14, 2006

Getting to know me

I'm new to this blogging thing, so I'm not sure if "About the Authors" are standard in the early posts of a blog. But just in case you're reading and are curious, here's a picture of who I am (painted with wide brushstrokes).

I'm in my early 30s, live in Indianapolis, Indiana, facilitate the Indianapolis Emergent Cohort, work as a technical writer for a software company, and have been fabulously married for 10 years to Ryan, who looks out for "the little man". I have three cats (Laverne, Shirley, and Kitty) who are gracious enough to allow us to leave them alone for extended periods while we travel (we can't wait to get back to Ireland and Africa). I like to read, write, run, eat good food, and drink good, dark beer. I enjoy extended conversations about topics that don't have a "right" answer, films that make you think, and Irish music. I am currently experimenting with life as a redhead. When I grow up, I want to be a bohemian sage/mystic...maybe even "crone", so I can become the stuff of scary legends for the neighborhood kids. I am involved in the Emergent conversation, and post on the Emerging Women's blog from time to time.

I am a Jesus-y person and I'm trying to live my life the way he taught, as best as I can figure out what that means. I grew up in church. My family attended a Baptist church in Crawfordsville, Indiana while I was young (complete with graded choirs, Wednesday-night potlucks, and the entire Bible portrayed through flannel-graph in Sunday School). Through my teenage years, I got to experience the spiritual drama which is Pentecostalism. I attended an Assemblies of God liberal arts college, where I studied English, Bible, and music, and attended a healthy church (though I'm not sure we can ever convince the pastor that it was a really, really good example of how people should relate to each other). Not having married a pastor, and not knowing what kind of job to get with said academic training, I found myself getting a Master's in Writing, focusing on the magic world of technical communications.

After all of this schooling, the husband & I found ourselves in Austin, Texas. We went to a large-ish non-denominational church for a while, at least until they disbanded our healthy, successful home group for not being "evangelistic" enough. Next, due to a lack of choices, we ended up at a Southern Baptist least until they tried to relegate me to children's ministry. (Note to self: If ever in a Baptist church again, use Tech Writing skills to forge documentation that requires me to stay at least 50 yards from anyone under the legal driving age.)

Next adventure: Help plant a church in Round Rock (outside of Austin). Should've been uber-cool, right? Austin, all live music and sincere heathens and even public nude beaches—a spectacular place for church experimentation, yes? Oh, very much NO. Folks who were older and more financially secure than us decided that the area needed yet another Purpose-Driven church for suburbanites that met in an elementary school. Alas, too much attention on production left not enough time to focus on people. RIP, poor little baby church.

And now, we're back home in Indiana, enjoying our Sunday mornings out by our neighbor's Tiki Barge. It's Tiki, it floats on the White River, and it's a neighborhood pub in my back yard.


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