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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

June 29, 2006

Quick updates that I can't read

A few quick updates about life at Sweethaven:

  1. According to The Artist's Way, chapter 4, this is my week to give up reading. I'm feeling very disconnected from the world already, since I usually devote way too much of my free time to reading blogs and news websites. I can't even microwave my lunch in the breakroom at work without being tempted to open the newspaper. Thank goodness I'm off work on the 4th when this week is up and I can get caught up on reading and correspondence.
  2. I had the worst dream the other night - the first time in my life I can remember waking up and being horrified by what I am capable of in my thought life. Again, I'm blaming The Artist's Way - the author warned that in allowing your creative spirit to come out and play, you might start to have vivid dreams. However, why in the world I would dream of attempting to hurt a kitten is a complete mystery. (In the end, the kitten did escape with no permanent damage. However, I have a feeling that Laverne and Shirley will never completely trust me again.)
  3. Tiki John has brought up the idea of my helping him write his life story. The funny thing about the timing of his request is that last Sunday, I had an inspiration to "write a best-seller". I even went to the closest bookstore to see what kinds of things the publishers are peddling these days (granted, I was in an airport so this wasn't much of an excursion). It looks like people (or at least people in airports) are either reading "vacation fiction", books about the economy, or self-help books. Tiki John has some amazing stories, AND he's got the rhythm of life/being at peace with the world around him thing down better than anyone I've ever met. I can see his biography being a fabulous blend of Jimmy Buffet-esque vacation adventures combined with "here's to the good life" wit and wisdom. He definitely has the stories - the biggest challenge I see with this one will be giving it the appropriate river voice.


Blogger Miz Melly said...

Ahhhh, I see the synchronicity is working. I did the reading deprivation in the week I had a four hour lay over in a very boring airport. I think I tried on all the perfumes in the duty free department - that was my artist's date for that week I think!! Persevere, it's soooo worth it. I'm starting the Vein of Gold tonight, I'll let you know how I get on!

2:18 PM, July 05, 2006  

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